Consciousness of The Way 126 Podcast
The Consciousness of The Way podcast is anything Energy, Frequency, Vibration. Bringing your awareness to the integration between You, the Earth and the Universe. When you are first person, third person, no person, your consciousness raises to an ability to be the Master, Keeper, Creator of your Reality. Taoist Master San Qing and high priestess Jade give Taoist perspective into creating your highest level of consciousness through easy, simplified Taoist teachings, practices and wisdom.
Consciousness of The Way 126 Podcast
Awaken your Original SOUL Blueprint with the EDEN Template
On today's episode with San Qing, we have a an incredible double transmission of Divine light with David Maria and Viivika Sophia.
Viivika Sophia and David Maria are the living the embodiment of Divine union or Divine love, Hieros Gamos, or divine union between the human being and Source (Mother/Father God) or Cosmic Christ Consciousness.
As One they are living embodiments of the Garden of Eden or Edenic Blueprints of the Hieros Gamos. They are both Multidimensional Guides, who carry the key codes and codes of the original creation and blueprints of divine Edenic architecture. They work with a multidimensional team within the I AM Presence whose transmission accelerates the process of The Eden Templates embodiment.
The Eden Template embodiments are a series of classes and meditations that assist others to activate their Higher Heart and unite it with the Heart of All Creation, the Godhead. Their transmissions open and expand dormant neural pathways, allowing Divine grace, which is the very essence of our being, to flow through us as us.
In 2018, David was initiated in Kenya, Africa, and received The Eden Template transmission, and at that exact moment, Viivika experienced a full-body kundalini awakening in Finland, and they were initiated together. Together, they are dedicated to assisting and guiding others to the remembrance of their Divinity to recreate the peaceful state of the Garden of Eden in their personal life.
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