Consciousness of The Way 126 Podcast

Arcturian Expert EXPOSES the Hidden Secrets to Humanity's Survival

San Qing Season 1 Episode 297

On today's episode with San Qing, we welcome out of this world teacher and Arcturian Ambassador, Viviane Chauvet. 

The Arcturians are recognized as diplomats and members of the Galactic Star Alliance (Association), which consists of conscious intelligent frequencies from various star systems and quadrants in the multiverse. The Council of Elders assigned Viviane the task to enter Gaia's Intelligent Field in a stepped down fifth-dimensional body-frequency for Quantum evolution and planetary ascension.

Viviane is an interstellar being who ascended thousands of years ago. Her Soul essence has integrated into a physical hybrid human-form as an emissary for the organic re-ascension timeline.
Renowned for her advanced healing services, Viviane has conducted thousands of private sessions worldwide in the past 12 years. As an oracle of Arcturus, her mission consists of traveling from star system to star system and assisting civilizations on the verge of their evolutionary Ascension process. Her intergalactic delegation is a member of the Federation of Light and collaborates with many Star Regency and interplanetary councils.

Viviane offers transformative and experiential teachings. These include monthly meditation series, and memberships providing access to exclusive classes, Q&A sessions, and holographic group healing events. She also leads the Arcturian Healing Arts Program, designed to help individuals achieve 5D awakening and self-mastery. Viviane is dedicated to guiding others on their spiritual journeys through advanced healing practices and interstellar wisdom. She is a sought-after speaker at international conferences and events.

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