Consciousness of The Way 126 Podcast

MASTER REMOTE Viewer shares FULL DISCLOSURE of life force on MARS

San Qing Season 1 Episode 303

On today's episode with San Qing, we speak with researcher Marty Rosenblatt. 

Here is a real time remote viewing session with San Qing going over the topic of aliens on Mars and the whether or not the pyramid-like formations on Mars were natural or created. San Qing is a Master of Remote Viewing doing this for over 30 years and teachings hundreds of students these ancient Taoist techniques. As Marty asks these questions, you can feel the visceral response to the information having it vibrate past this screen. This deep dive is one of a series of Lao Tzu direct source information to help guide us to remember who we are in this infinite cosmos. 

Enjoy the video and comment below the next topic for Lao Tzu to do a deep dive on.

*Brand New Book*
Buy the TAO TE CHING transcribed by San Qing as a direct channel of Lao Tzu 

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