Consciousness of The Way 126 Podcast

Ancient Techniques of BODY DOWSING Revealed through Wisdom of Experience

San Qing Season 1 Episode 308

On todays episode with San Qing, we welcome world renowned energy douser, Tim Walter. 

After 30 years in professional video, film, TV and conference production, primarily as a producer of high-end corporate messaging, Tim now works as a house-healer and alternative life coach. In 1998 a simple house move led Tim and family to a life-changing encounter when they discovered they were sharing their newfound home with a ghost. The disincarnate presence known simply as “Jane” was no ordinary ghost and taught Tim many new ways of seeing the world introducing him to the concept of earth energy. It was meeting author, metal worker, philanthropist and dowser, Hamish Miller that helped Tim discover dowsing as a simple way to access intuition and thereby work with these subtle energies for wellbeing. Known about since the birth of humankind, earth energy seems to be sentient fields of force that connect us all to the non-local (quantum) field of infinite possibility. Earth energy therefore is a crucial part of the mechanism of creating our reality. For those embarking on a spiritual journey communicating with these flows of subtle creative power can be a significant step.

Co-author of “Spirit & Earth – a handbook for modern holistic living” Tim hosts a successful YouTube channel on which he shares his experiences of the subtle realms and champions the intuitive art of dowsing as a first step to a grasping a practical spirituality. House healing is also a way of demonstrating this Gaia-based spiritual connection between the creative power of the non-local subtle energies and ourselves. In 2020 Tim established the KnightsRose House Healing Network now known as The International House Healers Network. While working on a new book about humanity’s role as a part of Higher Beings in the overall conscious cosmos, working as a life coach and mentor he also trains people in the intuitive skill of house healing. It is not so much about re-balancing a specific place, as helping somebody harmonise their individual and utterly unique, universe.

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