Consciousness of The Way 126 Podcast

HEAL everything with the Power of ANGEL frequency

San Qing Season 1 Episode 310

On today's episode with San Qing, we welcome incredible channeler and Angelic Healer, Michael Andre Ford. 

Get unstuck and see the bigger picture. Find your vision and a new source of wisdom.
Discover a new path ahead, with clear goals and the confidence to act on them. For business people, get your answers in detail. Any topics. Any answers.
Angels also bring you your truths, can alter your path and are fun to meet as you get help with your decision making. They can help you fall in love with life again.
Michael Andre Ford Heals with Angels
Slowing down to meet Angels and other loving figures is itself an act of compassion.
Michael André Ford helps people hear, feel & see Angels, figures from India, Native American Chiefs, plus many other loving beings like Mary, Buddha, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, Plato, Jesus, Ganesh, Light Beings and passed-over loved ones.
As Michael moves energy (what he terms "Whisking"), you transition out of thinking into your heart where all is truly possible. There, you hear, feel & see the beautiful beings that are here to support you on your present journey.
His service is unique to the point many communities (spiritual, wellness, publishing ...) are unaccustomed to embracing it.
As one Angel put it, "Michael connects you to yourself and the Universe without a barrier."
Michael loves to teach others about the Universe & everything the Universe provides.

Michael's socials:

*Brand New Book*
Buy the TAO TE CHING transcribed by San Qing as a direct channel of Lao Tzu 

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